Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thyroid Function is Directly Related to Iodine Consumption

Thyroid problems have become rampant in the modern world, thanks to greedy manufacturers. Between dumping poisonous sodium fluoride waste (from aluminum can and weapons manufacturing) into our toothpaste, soda drinks and public water supplies, and chlorine (another poison) into our water, cleaning products and medicines, the thyroid has very little chance of functioning properly.

Fluorine, Chlorine, and Bromine (which is also added to sodas and medicines), iodine and astatine are 'halogenated compounds' all of which can take the place of iodine. These extremely reactive oxidizing agents don't exist by themselves very long-they must combine with other substances to be stable. Because they are highly reactive, they tend to bond very strongly with other molecules (Teflon is fluorine bonded with carbon, table salt is chlorine bonded with sodium, bleach is chlorine bonded with sodium, and PCB's are polychlorinated biphenyls).

Here's the problem: the thyroid, a gland found in the neck area, needs iodine to function properly. All those other halogenated elements can bind to the same areas that iodine can. So what do you think happens when a person drinks a lot of sodas every day...uses a lot a table salt...or spends a lot of time in or around swimming pools? Right-they get their thyroid iodine receptors filled up with bromine, chlorine, and fluorine. That means thyroid hormone is not produced properly.

Since thyroid hormones are necessary for so many metabolic functions other than just producing heat in the body-such as: protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism, protein synthesis, catecholamine sensitivity, and some kind of neuronal activity (thought to be involved in hibernation cycles)--the lack of thyroid function is a serious matter. T3 (Triiodothyronine), the active form of thyroid hormone in the blood, has iodine in it. That would be a very different compound if it was trichlorthyronine (which has been found to cause angina and depression of serum protein-bound iodine) or tribromothyronine (which, while effective, is about 10% less effective than triiodothyronine).

The difference between amounts of iodine consumed in the USA vs. Japan is astounding: 240micrograms vs. 12 milligrams daily. Health experts are discovering links between the high incidence of breast cancer in the USA and low incidence of breast and other cancers in Japan. Iodine supplementation was used to reduce fibrocystic breast disease and to increase apoptosis (programmed cell death, which is important to destroy cancer cells that are formed naturally in the body) as well as prevent goiter.

Some of the other disease found to respond favorably to iodine supplementation include: fibromyalgia, uterine fibroids, diabetes, migraines, and some skin conditions. It is also used to remove toxins like bromine and fluorine from the body (but high doses will cause skin eruptions as these are removed). Dr. Guy Abraham, who started The Iodine Project in 1996, conducted clinical studies on 50mg daily of Iodoral (the pill form of Lugol's Solution) and determined that iodine sufficiency had been reached when 90% of the dose was excreted in the urine. He also found that up to 1,500mg could be contained in the body without significant side effects. Dr. Abraham concluded that taking 100 times the recommended daily dose is safe and effective when combined with a good diet, selenium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. (check out for more information about The Iodine Project

It is a fairly simple thing to add iodine to one's daily food intake now, given both liquid and pill supplements (yeah, it tastes really bad). The minimal trace amounts we consume in canned foods, iodized salt and seafood is usually enough to prevent goiter but can be useless if the iodine is displaced by the other halogenated elements mentioned above. While overdose of iodine can cause heart palpitations, over-excitement and the like, it is pretty easy to determine when that is happening. Under utilization of iodine is usually more subtle and can result in a sub-clinical hypothyroidism that leaves people fatigued, depressed and sick...and can't be diagnosed with a thyroid blood test. For further information on how to check for sub-clinical hypothyroidism, check out the other articles in this series.

It is estimated that over 80% of the population of the USA is suffering from sub-clinical hypothyroidism. No wonder so many people are falling asleep behind the wheel of the car, listless at work, losing hair and gaining weight.

©2010 Dr.Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved

Dr. Valerie Olmsted is an author, naturopathic physician, metaphysician, internet entrepreneur, artist, speaker, and lover of life. Traveling with the Quantum Vortex Experience, she has helped thousands of people reach the inner connection they are seeking and has contributed to the discoveries of manifestation practices via quantum physics applications. For more information of that nature, go to, which also contains articles and the blog, and

Contact: Dr.Valerie Olmsted
2370 W. SR 89A
Sedona, AZ 86336

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1 comment:

  1. My wife experienced many struggles from a salt free diet. Unluckily bread is no longer a source of Iodine and instead depletes the little Iodine we do consume. Since bread is no longer a source of Iodine she needed to take supplement. Bovine thyroid capsules has provided the dietary Iodine she needed.
